Monday, March 21, 2011

Living in the Spirit- Salida, CO

"Whistling girls, crowing hens, always come to some bad end."-Grandmother Hyatt(1900-1988)

It's my third day in beautiful Salida, CO. with Chris Roberts and our host, Becky Hyatt Williams. Salida is located in central Colorado in Chaffe county. Population is about 5,000 and elevation is about 7,000. The Arkansas river runs through the center of town, and several 14ers surround the city.( 14ers is what the locals call mountains that exceed 14,000 feet.) This is our second morning and I am truly amazed by this place. Waking up each morning with only the natural sunlight and no alarm is a wonderful way to begin the day. That has been followed by Becky, cheerfully whistling down the hall which prompted the above quote.
I could not ask for a better experience for a first girls trip. This has been a complete mind, body, and soul experience. . . we are living in the spirit.
Yesterday, I went snowshoeing for the second time in my life. The first was on Serenity trails, solo near Winter Park . This time was in San Isabel National Forest. Both experiences were phenomenal in their own right, however I do admit that traveling with friends is a treasure that should not be taken for granted. The laughter and experiences that I have had with these two ladies that I am just getting to know is a gift in itself.
Today we are going to explore the city on bike and then go hiking near Buena Vista, a neighboring town, and then to some natural hot springs.

Does life get any better than this, I am beginning to doubt it!!!!!!

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