Thursday, June 5, 2008

Carousel ~ A St. Mary's Production

Every evening this week St. Mary's Founder's Hall has been filled with families eagerly awaiting the opening scene of the muscial Carousel.

For those of you unfamiliar with the story it revolves around a love affair between Billy Bigelow, a traveling carnival man, and Julie Jordan, a local factory worker.

Here are some of the images captured during one of the performances! From the orchestra to the cast Lafayette has some amazing talent! What a great group of young adults and what a powerful message of faith, hope, and love.


Unknown said...

Digging the pics and the blog. Laura definitely looked like a hussy in the opening scene...or so I've heasrd.

Janenne said...


If you want to see any imagery from Carousel just go to my Web site and go to proofs. Key in the word...carousel. The song I used isn't "you'll never walk alone" sorry, I read your blog...shame on you! But I'm sure you would have started a chain reaction...for other reasons than yours of course!
Thanks for commenting Mark!